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Abluo Cleaning Plants
I.B.C.S. (Integrated Buildings Cleaning System)

The buildings cleaning system is now
part of the architectural engineering


The step-by-step process

Be our partner to improve the efficiency of buildings cleaning work.

1) Project review

In collaboration with the architect and engineer, our team studies the possibility to integrate a facade cleaning plants.

The study includes:

  • Risk Analysis

  • Recovery system

  • Recycling system

  • Design integration

  • Maintenance plan

  • Material and effects of the solvents


2) System recovery positioning

The system of recovery is a part of the automation.

When the UAS is in function, there are several aspects to keep in consideration, the safety of the guests and the weather conditions.

The system will be integrated in the building and invisible when not in use.

3) Filtering and recycle

The waste water will be treated by osmosis plant and regenerated to be reused for the next cleaning.



4) Dimensioning

The choice of the drone dimension and the system of control, together with the automation, is the final part of the project.

Made in Italy

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